I discussed in my previous blog why you should start walking. The health benefits are endless. However, I do understand that walking can be a little “boring”. So here are things to do while out on a walk to make it a bit more interesting.
1. Visit a Neighbour
We get so caught up in our own lives and tend to rely heavily on social media for interaction and communication. When is the last time you’ve visited a friend or neighbour? Use your walk to pop down the road and say hi. You’ll get all the benefits of exercise plus you’ll feel great after putting in the time with your friend.
2. Take the Dogs for a Walk
Those poor puppies need walking. You probably used the excuse sure they’ll make me get out and walk’ to convince yourself you needed a dog in the first place. Like us, dogs like variety so mix up your walking route every few days to give them new things to sniff! They’ll thank you for it later when they’re sound asleep and content and not be barking!
3. Take Some Photographs
Most people have a smartphone with amazing cameras. Instead of taking selfies why not experiment with your camera and the different photography apps available. There’s an entire community of app Photographers out there! There are even awards for the best photos. You might also discover a new hidden talent.
4. Go For a Coffee
Most of our meetings and catch ups are over coffee/tea. Instead of driving, walk. If this isn’t possible, then don’t park so close next time. Leave a little earlier, park at the opposite end of the town and walk to your meeting. Use this time to clear your head and get ready for your chat. TIP: Make sure to give yourself enough time, so you’re not stressed out and late. There’s nothing worse, and it’d ultimately defeat the purpose.
5. Listen to Music
When is the last time you discovered new music? Download a new playlist onto your Spotify account and go for a stroll.
6. Listen to an Audio Book
My favourite thing to do, and I have the perfect Audio Book to listen to: You Have The Power. Unbiased of course. 😉 Alternatively use the time to listen to some webinars, podcasts or interviews and upskill. There’s a wealth of knowledge out there. Why not tap into it and get your body and mind fit at the same time.
7. Run an Errand
Need to pick up some milk? Walk to the shop instead. Bring your shopping bag and go for a stroll. Trust me, you’ll feel amazing when you get home, and you’ll honestly feel like you deserve that cup of tea!
8. Brainstorm
Walking can help us clear the clutter from our brains. Use a walk to come to a decision, improve a business process or solve a problem.
9. Create a List
As mentioned above, walking can give you excellent clarity. Whether it’s a motivational todo list or a shopping list, use your walk to create it. The trick is to not forget it!
10. Enjoy the View
People tend not to go sightseeing in their town and end up not knowing very much about their surrounding environment. There could be wonderous scenic walks or historical sites right under your nose. So get out a walking guide booklet and be a tourist for a day.