The Irish Munros

In 1891, Sir Hugh Munro published a list of Scottish peaks that were over 3,000 feet. Over time, any peak or summit over 3,000 feet in Britain and Ireland came to be known as a Munro and additional lists were published showing the Munros in England, Wales and Ireland. The peaks on the list shown below are the 14 Irish Munros.


  1. The list shown below is based on the information on the MCI web site which in turn was based on original information from a Joss Lynam. 
  2. For a peak to be included, the height gain from the highest saddle is at least 15m. 
# Name Range Height (Meters) Height (Feet)
1 Carrauntoohil MacGillycuddy Reeks 1039 3409
2 Beenkeragh MacGillycuddy Reeks 1010 3314
3 Caher(East) MacGillycuddy Reeks 1001 3284
4 Cnoc ná Péiste MacGillycuddy Reeks 988 3241
5 Caher(West) MacGillycuddy Reeks 975 3199
6 Maolán Buí MacGillycuddy Reeks 973 3192
7 Carrauntoohil Tooth MacGillycuddy Reeks 973 3146
8 Cnoc an Chuillin MacGillycuddy Reeks 958 3143
9 Brandon Brandon Group 952 3123
10 The Big Gun MacGillycuddy Reeks 939 3081
11 Cruach Mhór MacGillycuddy Reeks 932 3058
12 L.Coimín Móir  MacGillycuddy Reeks 926 3038
13 Lugnaquillia Dublin/Wicklow 925 3035
14 Galtymore Galty Mountains 919 3015
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