Pat Falvey COVID-19 Adventure Travel update
COVID-19 Flight Cancellation information to Nepal, Africa, Russia, South America. May 2020
COVID-19 International flights: This is an update to all adventurers, trekkers, walkers and holidaymakers heading to Nepal, Africa, South America, Aconcagua and Russia. Please keep posted as we will be updating all of these areas over the coming months.
NEWS UPDATE ON CLIMBING KILIMANJARO and travelling in Tanzania and Zanzibar. May 2020
An update from Samira, our Manager in Tanzania on the situation there, the current restrictions and the measures which will be taken for safely opening up in the coming months. Thankfully Tanzania and Zanzibar have taken the situation seriously and there have been a low number of COVID-19 cases to date.
Nepal News May 2020 on Lockdown
The Nepalese Government Ministry of Health confirmed on Friday the 8th of May only 135 confirmed cases and no deaths in a population of 28 million people. Everyone in Nepal is surprised this to be the case and are themselves baffled. They feel that one of the reasons is that maybe for the last 50 years that the total population has been treated with the tuberculosis vaccine. There is no positive proof of this and scientists are checking this out. The fear is that if the COVID pandemic takes off that they have limited resources and if they don’t continue with all the precautions of lockdown that the consequences of the spreading would be devastating. My team and I will keep you updated with news on when Nepal will be opening up for trekking again.